CLZ Games APK v8.2.1 Free download 2025

App By:
v8.2.1 For Android
Updated On:
sept. 18, 2023
7.2 MB
Required Android:
Android 5.0 +
Table of Contents (Show)

Just read the barcodes and PriceCharting will give you the cover art and prices.

Make it easy to keep track of all of your video games. Scan the barcodes.

PriceCharting will give you up-to-date prices for games.

Keep track of your games and the ones you want.

Sort out all of your video games, whether they are old or new. Depending on whether they are Loose, CIB, or New, keep track of their worth.

It's easy to add games to your collection.

There are three ways to list video games:

  • Look at the labels.
  • Find games by title and platform.
  • Mark the games you own on a full list of platforms.

Full game information and cover pictures will be downloaded automatically

Cover art and full game information, like release dates, publisher, developer, game description, trailer videos, etc., will be given to you immediately by our CLZ Core.

Check out PriceCharting for game prices

Set whether your games are "Loose," "CIB," or "New," and Pricecharting will tell you right away how much they are worth. By running the Update Values tool, you can get new prices every day.

Change your game entries to add your own information

  • Like location, completeness, date/price/store of buy, notes, etc.
  • You can edit games one at a time or use Edit Multiple to change a lot of games at once.

Our CLZ Cloud service can be used to:

  • You don't have to pay again to use your app access on other mobile devices.
  • Your game library should be the same on all of your devices, like your phones and computers.
  • Using the CLZ Cloud viewing website, you can look at your game collection and share it with other people.
  • Always have a copy of your game organizer information in the cloud.
  • Sync information to and from our web-based Game Connect software (requires a separate membership).

The Statistics screen shows collection totals and charts.

Totals for games and platforms, the most recent adds, the most valuable games, and charts by platform, by year, by genre, by completeness, by finished (yes/no), etc.

There are many ways to look through, sort, group, and find your game inventory.

You can look through your games as a list or as a "cover wall."

Sort by platform/title, date, value, date added, and so on. Sort things into folders based on the platform, genre, location, level of completion, creator, publisher, etc..... Or use the search box in the upper right corner.

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